The Classroom Drudge

Why did you become a teacher -
They ask.

I love the summer -
I say.

You mean the holidays -
they ask.

No, the daydreaming -
I say.

So, you daydream instead of teach -
they ask.

No, I daydream like a child - like you -
I say.

Why do you daydream -
they ask.

Because of the drudge -
I say.

Like technical drawing on a Monday morning -
they ask.

Exactly -
I say!


Drudgery - like technical drawing 1978 - last lesson on Friday - hot summer days. A boy - dreaming of the weekend.

My very first lesson teaching in 1986 - Technical Drawing (the last year of 'O' Level in the UK). It just fell into my lap. I hated it as a student - I hated it as a teacher.

Last lesson I taught in my career - 2019 - Technical drawing - 34 years later - full circle. Still hate it - especially when taught in a metalwork classroom!

And this (almost verbatim) is an actual conversation with a student in that class on my final day.

It just fell into my lap.




Your Perfect Man